Saturday, December 29, 2007


Behold the offspring of fecund millinerd, a new group blog (Lance, Tim and millinerd so far) just for North American Churches. The flickr group has been growing for some time, hence a place for sharing resources and facilitating discussion seemed appropriate.

"But he does not enjoy Gothic romantically or talk romantic nonsense about it," wrote one defender of Ralph Adams Cram almost a century ago; "He hears its living music, and it is to him not past but eternal." Likewise, this venue is not merely about old churches, but about spiritual vitality in the present.

While not excluding contemporary architecture, the hunt for spiritual nourishment will probably result in a focus on buildings of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. As with church music, it looks like we'll be feeding off that richer epoch for some time to come. Overall, the aim is to highlight buildings that, to cite the sentiment of Edward Oakes (via Philip Bess), "worship God with us."

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