First Parish Chruch, Brunswick
Originally uploaded by millinerdOver Thanksgiving I was reading the world's best
Brooklyn guidebook, and I saw that the first church
Morrone lists for Richard Upjohn senior is in Brunswick, Maine. (Incidentally, the "untold" Buffalo church viewable immediately below is also
Fittingly, I happened to be spending Thanksgiving in Bruswick, Maine. So I marched down the street and got
some shots, and then snuck
in on my way out of town during choir practice for some interiors. Who knew Upjohn worked as well in wood as in stone? And the glorious intricacy of those
hammer trusses (I think that's the term) sure do show off the medium.
statue near First Church is of
Joshua Morrison. He lived in the
house across the street.
Incidentally, I like Francis Morrone so much that even I'm considering enrolling in one of his courses.
These two sound thrilling.
I was also pleased to discover that nearby beautiful Bowdoin College has a
handsome Chapel that is
quite central to campus. Bowdoin even goes so far as to suggest that
Nature's Laws are God's thoughts. Naturally. Not just nature's laws, however, but even nature itself all began as God's thoughts. Hasn't anyone read
Question 15 article 1?